Our newest FreeCell will quickly become your favorite. Classic game play is delivered with beautiful graphics wrapped in a crisp, intuitive design. This game is a must for all players.
This FreeCell from Solebon has been carefully crafted with powerful features including:
o Elegant easy-to-read HD graphics, multiple card designs and animations to celebrate your victories.
o Winning deals ensure that every deal can be won. Celebrate with winning animations.
o Sync and backup your stats across multiple devices.
o Play on any iOS device, landscape or portrait mode, left or right-handed play and pinch/zoom to resize the playfield.
o Detailed game statistics and Leaderboards plus real-time tracking of moves, score and game time.
o Hints, tap-to-play or drag-and-drop card movement, card designs, sound effects, and many more features are managed within Settings.
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Solebon apps are built in the USA. Sharpening minds at play!